Sunday, November 21, 2010

Too Short

Last Thursday, Brother happened to be passing through town so I got to see him quickly at Cabela's as he got the remaining items for his hunting trip. He has lost a lot of weight since the reunion and its always nice to joke with him. The next day Shelly flew in from dulles and her and I drove up to Star, ID where we picked up Karli for my Aunt's funeral. It was a fun/sad weekend with extended family. 

 Shelly came back with me Sunday and Linny, Matt and Lincoln came over for dinner and a game of Settlers (which if I recall, I won). The next day we all went to breakfast (minus my kids at school, so nice to go out without having to worry about the kids!!) Then everyone left. Its always a sad day when the sisters leave, Linny left two days later to go to Nana's for Thanksgiving and I am a bit jealous.
Luckily I got some pink fabric in the mail that day to cheer me up. Busy, busy planning some girly quilts for little Matilda! (no, that is not her name, just what I call her, like I called GJ Grover. Please leave some name choices if you have some great ones though, more specifically I am looking for a 2 syllable middle name)


Allison said...

It's always fun to spend time with family! Landon says you should name her landon after him ;-)

brenna said...

Glad you could see your siblings. And of course you won Settlers!

Brenna's a two-syllable name ;)

leigh said...

hey - we are up for settlers any time you guys need a fix :)

and you're reminding me that i need to go check for green seedlings . . .

Kelly M said...

Two syllable middle names....Hannah? Leah? Sophie? Helen? Ruby? Ava? Lilly? Ellen? Alice? Lucy? Sydney? Janet? Joanne? Ginger? Mary? Judy? Agnes? Esther? Kelly! Kelly would totally work! Ha! I really like your fabric and again wish you lived closer so we could do girly things for our girls together!

K-Krew said...

As you know we're a fan of the name Lucy! Eva, Lexi, Michelle, Livvy, Tessa, Anna, Annie, Gracie, Clara, Louise, Camille. Good luck with the name game!

Sarah Wells said...

Didn't know you were a settlers player. We will have to play some time. Aaron and I LOVE to play.