Friday, September 19, 2008


I admit I over exaggerate at times (okay, most of the time) but I kid you not, this thing is 3 inches long and living under the deck. Linny and GJ went out to play and she is still hyperventilating. Not poisonous, just huge and gross.


VirtualM said...

We found one of those in our garden! We looked it up online - apparently they're great for your garden. We were fascinated rather than repulsed (what does that say about us?) and we were really sad when it had moved the next day.

Jellybean said...

Isn't Linny the same girl I saw in a picture holding a tarantula?

brenna said...

I found one of those outside our door on our first or second day in Atlanta and freaked. Ryan saved the day, though.

Shawn and Alisha Stratton said...

Oh wow...I freak when I see bugs too, especially if it were one of those hideous things. I know they're good for our environment somehow, but you'd never see me welcoming them with open arms. Thank God for fearless men in times like those!

K-Krew said...

WOW! We've had our share of spiders in our scary basement but nothing like that. If I had seen that you would have heard my spider scream, as Thom likes to call it.

claire said...

These are great spiders. Be nice to spiders! We have a couple this time of year every year... they move around the yard and on our porch as well. I love them since they catch so many bugs. I even made one once when I was on a beading frenzy and gave it to a gardener friend of mine.