Thursday, April 23, 2009

Vio-vio-viola...(or violin)

Look how cute and tiny these violins are? SM started with his little friend and though he NO attention span, he will hopefully improve with time. He has a marvelous teacher! Thanks!!!


Laura said...

Thats so cool! I didn't know Claire taught violin lessons! I really need to call you sometime soon.

jenny said...

that is too cute. i love that claire is teaching them violin. very sweet.

Thom said...

What cute little violins! My sister started lessons when she was 5 and I thought her violin was tiny.

claire said...

Who is Claire?

Just kidding. Laura, I really don't 'teach' violin lessons, or at least I haven't before, but I've sat through so many years of beginning violin lessons I figured I could teach them just as well, and for free. How's that for ego? :-) Once they can play Twinkle we should probably hand them over to the professionals, but at this rate that will be next year.